My Reflection on the TNE Training Program: A Truly Transformative and Life-changing Six Months;

When the application was open back on…., one of my friends who was a student in the next economy second batch at that time mentioned to me the program and,, shared with me the application form. He urged me to apply and take this opportunity by becoming a member of the 3rd batch of students.

After a few days, the fact that my application was accepted seemed like a miracle to me. I received an email that changed my life a lot and when I look back now, it was a joyous moment that I have become one of the students who passed the interview. It is a great pleasure to become selected from among more than 800 people.

In February was the beginning of life change, we started the core life skills course, the class was very interesting, every week we were learning a lot of things that changed our lives a lot.

I'm glad to have completed the six-month training course, earned certificate achievement and employability skills from the next economy and SOS. First, I would like to thank Allah SW for allowing me to complete a six-month training course in health and safety.

Second, I would also like to thank the entire next economy team, led by Mr. Farhan Diiriye and Ms.Naima Abdi, for their guidance during the training program, as well as the teacher who guided us and everyone who supported us during the training program.

The next economy project is mostly focused on the employability track and entrepreneurship programs. Clearly, the project strengthens the student’s thinking capability, networking, communication, and interpersonal skills. Moreover, it gives another opportunity that they can practice what they have learned during the program, such as internships, decent jobs, and other platforms to display their innovation and creativity, critical thinking, and so on.

I can say that this training was a very high-level training for young people studying in universities and graduates who have no skills to work with organizations. When students get their first degree, they don't have a clear vision of the labor market because they don't have any experience.

On the first day of the program, I met new friends and mentors that I had never met before. Every one of us is full of potential skills and creativity, it’s important to be aware of our strengths and challenges, before training one of us he/she doesn't know what his/her strengths and weaknesses are. Fortunately, today every one of us knows what his/her strengths and weaknesses are. During the training program, we have learned a lot of skills that will help us in the labor market, and some of us got jobs through the skills that they have learned during the training program. If I provide some insights into the training program, we have learned several skills including communication skills, problem-solving, critical things, confidence, CV writing, and how to apply for jobs.

During the training program, we also learned how to brainstorm our minds about the problems in the community and then seek to find solutions. The training also covered market research for opportunities and then applied it to SWOT analysis. We need to look at the labor market and the businesses that are needed in the community. Simultaneously, we must bring in the businesses that society requires and then make a presentation to some of our students and experts who are trainees, during which we defend our market studies and occasionally ask questions about them.

We also conducted a practical interview, which is the most common place for people to be separated, and each of us did an interview where we found out about our mistakes.

Interviews are conducted by people who have been working in the human resource management department for at least seven years. In addition, the trainee provided us with training for people who have been in the workforce for a long time and who also shared with us the challenges and opportunities of the labor market and how they managed those challenges, and how to avoid them. They also helped all of us to create an internship program where everyone was guided by what they had learned; they also provided us with a three-month car ride during the internship. 

The next economy and SOS support young people who are new to the labor market, and they are very supportive. This program is also open to anyone interested.

I would like to suggest inexperienced young graduates keep in mind this program for the next economy program, which prepares them for their skills in the labor market. Some young people apply to come up with a business idea and provide fundraising that they are willing to help.

I can say thank you to the next economy team for putting in an effort and supporting the inexperienced Somali youth in learning how to get a job and an internship program that helps them get a job.

Finally, I would like to say thanks to the team at Next Economy for providing this opportunity. And I congratulate all my new friends, who I can’t mention all their names yet, on the whole, a million and a million times. Congratulations on having a good time.


  1. Great experience, congratulations really we had had a good time full of new skills and opportunities and we made more important networks that will help us to devalop our carear . During this program you were one of my best friends that we had agood time. Nice to meet you again for other opportunities wish you more success

    1. thanks dear sister mariam Mohamed sheokhow, you are one my best friends I have ever met in my life, wish you good luck sister mariam


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