Mohiadin Ahmed Mohamed: A Successful Student


Mohiadin Ahmed Mohamed was born in Mahas district in the eastern part of Hiiraan region in 1996. He finished Quranic School there. In 2006, he started primary school there at Sheikh Ahmed School. In 2010, he moved to Mahas Primary School, which is also in the district, where he finished primary school. In 2012, he moved to Mogadishu where he started his high school studies. In 2016, he sat for the national exam and then got his high school certificate. After earning high marks on the national exam, his school allowed him to be a teacher. He became a mathematics teacher. In August 2016, he joined Mogadishu University and started his undergraduate studies, earning his bachelor's degree in economics in 2020.

Mohiadin was always a first student in his department, sometimes the entire faculty, and at times the University. In Mogadishu University, there is a scholarship called MU Scholarship, which is given to any student who ranked number one in his/her department, and Mohiadin benefited from this opportunity.

He ranked first for his department (economics) all of his four years in the university, so he earned that competitive scholarship based on his efforts.  He finished his bachelor's degree in economics at Mogadishu University without paying any fees. And also first ranked his batch of 2020 in which there were approximately 900 students, and he was the first ranked student for the whole batch.

“Being a top student at Mogadishu University is not easy, but all we have to do is put in the effort.” He was a school teacher in the morning and in the afternoon he used to go to university. At night, he always had 2 things to do: preparing for his classes and reading his university lessons.  He said: “the biggest secret that helped me there was just managing my little available time and self-discipline.”

"The most important thing a student can do, to become at the top of his class is to make efficient and consistent reading, as well as decide for you and yourself."

Now Mohiadin lives in Kampala, Uganda, and he wants to prepare for a master's degree at Makerere University.

He would advise our Somali students to work hard, in the difficult learning environment, whether it is the financial problems and those related to the general crisis in the country. "Of course, we do not have what the students of the other world have but we can still compete with them by working hard."



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